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I am experienced at providing a wide range of consultation, support, and issue management in a wide range of settings and circumstances (see "about" in menu above). Examples of types of service provided are given below.  If you are uncertain as to whether my services are appropriate to your needs,  please feel free to contact me. There is no charge for determining whether I can help.


Examples- Consulting Services

General / Industrial

Routine and Crisis Communications for employee or public exposures

Public Speaking- Internal or external presentations for lay and technical audiences

Individual or group toxicity/exposure assessment in workplace or environment

Pregnancy exposure and reproductive toxicology

Medical Surveillance for toxic materials, including program design, cost-optimization of toxicology testing, and program audit/assessment.

Cholinesterase, metal, and other medical monitoring interpretation

Sick building syndrome

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity / Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance / Morgellon Syndrome

Allergic responses to industrial materials- skin or respiratory

MSDS and Label warning language

ASTM “Non-Toxic” Certification

Product stewardship and product issue management at all scales (individual, national, global)

Assessment of options for “green chemistry” or other materials/process choices

Regulatory support for pesticides, general chemicals, and novel foods (GRAS) toxicology assessment and communications.

Bioethics Committee / Biosafety Committee / IRB support and policy documentation

Adverse drug effects and interactions

Adverse effects of medical device materials


Laboratory Interpretation

Human samples (blood, breath, hair, nails, urine, etc.)

Workplace air, surface, or human biomonitoring

Environmental Monitoring

Food analysis for pesticide residues and other toxic materials


Writing and Editorial

White Papers for internal or external issue assessment and communications

Preparation of lay or professional journal articles, letters to editor, website information, etc.

Drafting or editing of technical reports and documents



Case assessment, testimony, and technical support for:

a wide range of toxic materials

Various exposure circumstances from individual intoxication to mass exposure

Litigation technical support and preparation for attorneys and experts

Preparation of technical exhibits

Preparation of reports, affidavits, or other submissions.

Causation- causation criteria, “Dowbert” issues / admissibility

Alcohol and drug intoxication, Dramshop issues, DWI

“State of the Art” issues for drugs, food, and food additives, GMOs, and toxic materials


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Requested rates are detailed below (unless subject to existing agreements). It is my intent that rates be appropriate for the nature of work performed and that consulting clients receive good value for their expenditures. I will generally accommodate rate limitations specified by government entities (Public Defender, Prosecutor, Regulatory Agencies) and can provide services at reduced rates or pro bono for charitable or other public service organizations.   (Rates are specified in U.S. dollars.)

Standard consulting rate:  $200.00 per hour billed as actual expended time.
Forensic appearances (deposition, trial, etc.):  $300/hour.  I reserve the right to request pre-payment for such appearances (including anticipated travel and expenses) and will escrow funds and return any unused portion promptly on completion. 
Day Rates:  Full days will be billed to a maximum of 8 hours per 24-hour period at the applicable hourly rate.
Special Rates:  Reduced rates can be provided for large volume work, such as literature review or extensive preparation on new subject matter. Project-based flat fees or retainers for ongoing services will be considered.  
Travel:  No charge for local travel (60 miles or less) in the St. Louis area or for travel to and from meetings or appearances if I am staying in another location.  Other travel will be billed at one half of the standard hourly consulting rate (i.e.- at $100.00 per hour) for time in actual transit. Coach class is acceptable for all domestic air travel or regional (Canada, Mexico, Central America) travel with flights of 5 hours or less). For travel to Europe, coach is acceptable but I will request travel one day early to account for "jet lag" (no travel time cost billed for extra day). Business class is requested for other international travel, with additional day(s) for jet lag when appropriate (no travel time cost billed for extra day(s)). Personal auto mileage will be billed at the standard IRS rate if my personal vehicle is used for non-local (as defined above) business travel.  Rail travel will be obtained at the lowest rate for which guaranteed/reserve seating is available (often called business or first class, but cost differential is generally small).
I do not generally accept lodgings where individual rooms have direct access to the public ("motels") unless circumstances other than room rate limitations (remote location, site of group meeting, closed resort environment) make such lodgings necessary or preferable. 
Fees for internet access via lodging, if necessary, will be billed at cost to client when traveling. I maintain an international flat-fee cellular account which covers most developed countries for voice and data at a flat rate of $10.00 day, which will be billed (along with other charges if outside global coverage) to client at cost.  Reasonable effort will be made to use free wireless and VoIP (voice over internet) options to control costs if available
I will endeavor to stay within client's travel policy as to providers and cost limitations and will work with/through client's travel service provider if desired.  Note that urgent consultation may make compliance with cost limitations impossible, especially in major urban areas or when major local events or conventions are in progress. 
Other Expenses:  It is not my practice to add markup to external costs. Supplies and materials, external labor, postage, bulk copying, telecommunications fees, literature search and acquisition, etc. will be passed on at cost when significant (incidental costs such a stationary, envelopes, or postage for letters are not billed).  Time and circumstances permitting, I will provide an estimated cost in advance and allow the client to assume these costs directly (book travel, obtain literature, etc.) as a matter of preference/policy or if they have access to the desired material or services at a lower or internalized cost.  
Staff:  I do not have  employees or staff providing services at this time.  If significant amounts of local support work are needed (assembling materials, etc.) I can  arrange for temporary assistance on an hourly basis. 
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