I am experienced at providing a wide range of consultation, support, and issue management in a wide range of settings and circumstances (see "about" in menu above). Examples of types of service provided are given below. If you are uncertain as to whether my services are appropriate to your needs, please feel free to contact me. There is no charge for determining whether I can help.
Examples- Consulting Services
General / Industrial
Routine and Crisis Communications for employee or public exposures
Public Speaking- Internal or external presentations for lay and technical audiences
Individual or group toxicity/exposure assessment in workplace or environment
Pregnancy exposure and reproductive toxicology
Medical Surveillance for toxic materials, including program design, cost-optimization of toxicology testing, and program audit/assessment.
Cholinesterase, metal, and other medical monitoring interpretation
Sick building syndrome
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity / Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance / Morgellon Syndrome
Allergic responses to industrial materials- skin or respiratory
MSDS and Label warning language
ASTM “Non-Toxic” Certification
Product stewardship and product issue management at all scales (individual, national, global)
Assessment of options for “green chemistry” or other materials/process choices
Regulatory support for pesticides, general chemicals, and novel foods (GRAS) toxicology assessment and communications.
Bioethics Committee / Biosafety Committee / IRB support and policy documentation
Adverse drug effects and interactions
Adverse effects of medical device materials
Laboratory Interpretation
Human samples (blood, breath, hair, nails, urine, etc.)
Workplace air, surface, or human biomonitoring
Environmental Monitoring
Food analysis for pesticide residues and other toxic materials
Writing and Editorial
White Papers for internal or external issue assessment and communications
Preparation of lay or professional journal articles, letters to editor, website information, etc.
Drafting or editing of technical reports and documents
Case assessment, testimony, and technical support for:
a wide range of toxic materials
Various exposure circumstances from individual intoxication to mass exposure
Litigation technical support and preparation for attorneys and experts
Preparation of technical exhibits
Preparation of reports, affidavits, or other submissions.
Causation- causation criteria, “Dowbert” issues / admissibility
Alcohol and drug intoxication, Dramshop issues, DWI
“State of the Art” issues for drugs, food, and food additives, GMOs, and toxic materials